A Union In Wait

Executive Summary

The Management Team

The Story

The Interviews

Economic Review And Audience Profile

The Production Budget

Contact Us

A Union In Wait

A Prospectus For A Documentary Production


A Union In Wait is a documentary project that is expected to commence production in January of 2000. The expected release date of the project is January of 2001. The project is the conception of the Winston-Salem, NC based non-profit organization DigitalSocial. The producers are soliciting funding through donations from individuals, non-profit organizations, or business. The anticipated production budget is approximately twenty thousand dollars.

This project includes numerous unique benefits:

(a)         A controversial topic that is causing major discussion in American churches and politics, but is not receiving very much attention from the documentary film industry.

(b)         Exclusive interviews with nationally recognized figures.

(c)         A production crew experienced in the production of real life stories.

(d)         Vast audience appeal with distribution opportunities such as national PBS and film festivals.

The purpose of this proposal is to serve as an overview of our potential project and provide initial projections at cost and expenses. This proposal is divided into four sections:

1)  The Management Team

2)  The Story

3)  The Interviews

4)  Economic Review and Audience Profile

5)  The Production Budget